
Rack For Schiit Products Deluxe – B stock

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SKU: Schiit-bas-1 Category: Tags: , , ,


This model has been used on a show, no scratches and looks like new!!

This is the most luxury stand to choose and also the best in avoiding vibrations.

The rack is made from hand Polished 304 Stainless steel and alloy frame parts, the trustable material adopted for many years on the industry, are designed for being assembled on solid shelves in flat black finish. The rear of the rack is totally free for the best care of the cables and components.


With this rack it will be possible to give more value to your audio system, achieving huge benefits to the music experiences. By reducing negative effects of resonance it will be possible to have more clarity, depth and scene for the audio experiences. Besides this, its also a good looking rack that will make your Schiit stand out as never seen before!!

The bottom frame parts are made by stainless steel combined to regulable spikes for a perfect leveling of the structure. All the hardware frame parts are designed with inner spikes that increase the dampening of vibrations for reducing the frequencies that may generate resonance in the listening rooms. This rack is specifically designed for damping vibrations.

note, this is not Schiit rack itself, its for stacking Schiit products, look at the size of the rack. It can stack products like Magnius, Modius, Lokius, Asgard etc.

Additional information

Weight N/A