New stock of Vali 2
New stock of Vali 2 but take in mind there is a huge demand, so dont wait to long!!! First batch of Vali 2 was sold in a few days..
New stock of Vali 2 but take in mind there is a huge demand, so dont wait to long!!! First batch of Vali 2 was sold in a few days..
Schiit announced that its first two dedicated 2-channel products are now available: the Saga (single-ended) and Freya (balanced) remote-control preamps.... read more
Valencia, CA. Today, Schiit Audio announced the availability of two new entry level headphone amps: Magni 3+ and Magni Heresy.... read more
We expect to receive new stock for Vidar, Aegir, Freya+, Lyr and some Modi3+ in july, early august... Other models are... read more
First stock Magni, Modi, Heresy is now coming to Europe. Its a very small number, so we will send a... read more
Due to Christmas and new year and the days in between...we will be closed until 2nd january. Orders and emails... read more
Saga arrives on the 9th of december in Europe. now available for orders in our store.... read more
Introducing Vali 3: the beautiful, affordable, capable tube hybrid headphone amp. March 15, 2024, Corpus Christi, TX. Today, Schiit Audio announced the... read more