Forkin’ Phono! Stjarna launched…

Forkin’ Phono! Stjarna launched…

Schiit Announces Stjarna and Skoll F, Forkbeardâ„¢-Enabled Phono Preamps

February 19, San Antonio, TX. Schiit Audio extends its Forkbeard range with the addition of the Stjarna and Skoll F phono preamps. Stjarna, an all-out, limited-production all-tube design, offers top-of-class performance from a tube phono preamp. Skoll F adds Forkbeard to Schiit’s popular all-discrete, zero-feedback, high-voltage-rail phono preamp. Stjarna and Skoll both including Forkbeard. Both products can also be ordered without Forkbeard, saving €55.
“Stjarna is our ultra-high-end all-tube phono preamp,” said Jason Stoddard, Schiit Audio’s Co-Founder. “It’s 100% pure Class A triode gain, no step-up transformer, no JFET pre-preamp, no hidden sand. And with up to 60dB of gain, Stjarna can handle both moving magnet and moving coil cartridges with ease.”
Stjarna’s design includes discrete high voltage regulation, regulated tube heaters, full dual mono construction back to the AC socket, and a host of precision relay-switched loading, gain, and input options. The RIAA stage is fully passive and uses exotic 1% film capacitors and 0.1% resistors for exceptional accuracy.
In addition, Stjarna includes full IR remote control for all functions, including a standby mode that puts the tubes into complete shutdown–no anode voltage, no tube heater–to save power and conserve tube life when not in use. Stjarna also includes Schiit’s exclusive Forkbeard unified control system, which provides complete system control, health metrics, and inter-product features when used with additional Schiit devices.
“Skoll F is Skoll…with Forkbeard,” Jason explained. “We took Skoll, which already had microprocessor control and a remote, and gave you the option of adding Forkbeard for system-wide integrated control.”
Skoll F is a highly capable, fully balanced, fully discrete, JFET-input, Class A, no-feedback, high-rail-voltage phono preamp that offers even higher performance and more gain than Stjarna. With a low noise floor and up to 70dB of gain, and the ability to accept balanced inputs, Skoll offers the highest price/performance ratio in phono preamps.
Stjarna and Skoll F extend Schiit’s unique Forkbeard system to 10 products. Forkbeard is the first multi-product, multi-stack unified audio control system. Forkbeard provides unified control of multiple products in multiple systems, additional functionality such as instant power output and system health metrics, and advanced inter-product features for better understanding and optimization of an audio system. Forkbeard is available on products from €399, and the Forkbeard module is €55.
About Schiit Audio
Since its founding in 2010, Schiit has grown to be the leader in affordable high-end audio, with a broad portfolio of unique analog and digital technologies spanning a wide range of products, from DACs and preamps to power and headphone amps, from €89 to €2999.
Schiit’s unique digital technologies include Forkbeardâ„¢, the unified control, visualization, and optimization platform; Multiformâ„¢ and True Multibitâ„¢ DACs, using proprietary digital filters based on closed-form math, Unison USBâ„¢, a purpose-built UAC2 audio interface based on 32-bit Microchip microprocessors, and Autonomy Architectureâ„¢, a modular, upgradable platform to help customers preserve the value of their DAC investment.
Schiit’s unique analog architectures include the Nexusâ„¢ discrete differential topology, Continuityâ„¢ transconductance-equalizing output stages, Coherenceâ„¢ DC-coupled hybrid topology, Haloâ„¢ mixed-mode motion feedback, and a focus on proprietary, low- or no-feedback, fully discrete, highly linear gain and power stages.
Schiit designs and produces its products in the USA.

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