Is the price of the USD mark just set into EURO ?
root2020-09-16T13:02:59+01:00Simply NO, because we can be brief about this, this is not the case , in fact you 're even cheaper in the event you could order directly. Below is an explanation :
On the website indicates that taxes etc, must be paid for the account of the customer. Let me just take one example, the Magni and Modi:
Schiit price 99 USD + 42 USD minimum postage = 130 euros (converted exchange rate 1.08) x 21 % VAT = 157 Euro (you also have to import duties which is different per country but between 10-15 euro) price is 135 euros , so you can see that our price is not a Shit price but only a Schiit price ;-)
and is 22 euro less expensive.
In the above calculation, there is also no account of customs clearance and handling that you have to pay the postal or courier company since they will pay in advance the VAT etc for your account. Which ranges between 10 to 30 euros and thus has the advantage soon will be 37 to 50 euros total.
The prices that we have put down are also guideline prices set by Schiit. Moreover, prices in other countries where a Schiite distributor is can be higher or perhaps a bit lower, due to local exchange rates and VAT.